6- Sorting out the Galley water supply

When we first moved aboard Over Yonder, we knew that the galley water supply had to be looked into. We had 2 different filtering systems. A large filter on the regular galley sink faucet and then a drinking water faucet with a smaller filter. While we were cleaning the fresh water tanks we disconnected the filters because apparently clorox can damage them. After the tank cleaning it was time to replace both filters. They had not been changed since 2013! The video above is of Craig trying to unclog the line and the faucet.

5- Holding Tank Saga Continues & Good News with Popcorn Popper

So, we tried the hot water and tide to clean out our waste water holding tank. After an entire large bottle of tide and 6 or 7 complete flushes of the tank, there was absolutely NO change in volume. We are at around 16 gallons instead of the 25 that should be available.

A Necessary Piece of Equipment

Looking at various sailing forums, it appears that we are out of the ‘sludge’ territory and into the ‘cement’ territory of holding tank problems. One of the most knowledgeable experts pretty much says there is no hope once you get to hardened cement (accumulated toilet paper, body fats (from waste) and various chemicals from head odor treatments). However, we have something else to try. On Monday we are going to put in K57 which is used for septic tanks. It does not contain harsh chemicals, only fast bacteria to break down the accumulation. What is a holding tank except a mini septic tank, sort of. At least that that is the logic we are using. After putting it in the tank, we are going to let it do its magic for 4 to 5 days then go back to the pump out station and see if it works.

In the last post, we mentioned that our air popcorn popper from home drew too much power to use on the boat. We were not happy campers about that. Good News!!! West Bend makes a mini popcorn air popper that only draws 900 Watts, much less that the full size one. Yea!! We can have air popcorn on the boat. It is the little things that will make this boat truly feel like home.

A taste of home

4- Holding Tank Concerns

**Well, our list of things to fix on the boat continues to grow. For each one we check off, there seems to be 3 or 4 that replace it. Currently, we are having concerns with our holding tank. It does not appear to have the volume that it should. There is a chance that there is sludge in the bottom of it that cannot be removed except with lots of fresh water flushing. However, Sludge would be a good thing. It there is hardened deposits in the bottom of the tank, more drastic measures will have to be taken. Tomorrow we are going to try Tide and hot water through the waste removal ‘fill’ on the deck. Will let you know if it works.

**Our neighbors at the marina, Mike and Linda, are very nice and have given us lots of info about boat maintenance and sailing. They have been cruising for 13 years. Three years full time then 10 years on a land and sea rotation every six months. They are always ready to share their hard earned knowledge. Their stories are so interesting.

**We are still trying to complete the 50 hours of motoring to break in the new engine. Right now we have 36 hours so almost there. Below is video from a recent trip. We hope to get this motoring finished soon so that we can actually get all the sails on and really sail the boat. This very short video was shot on a pretty windy day on the St. John’s River.